
We have locum work available in the U.K. from John O Groats in the north to Lands End in the south (two famous landmarks) for varied length assignments.
The first and most essential matter that you will have to deal with if you live outside the U. K. is whether you personally have the right to work in the U.K, followed by whether you have the right to work as a dentist in the U.K.
Refer to From Abroad to obtain information on working in the U.K. Also refer to:
General Dental Council
37 Wimpole Street
London W1G 8DQ
British Dental Association
64 Wimpole Street
London W1G 8YS
There are various types of surgeries in the U.K.- National Health (NHS), Community, Private /Independent, or Mixed (i.e. National Health and Private).
In order to work under your own name in the National Health system you need your own Number which is obtained by doing one year's Vocational Training. Vocational Training positions are difficult to obtain for U. K. graduates and almost impossible for persons from overseas. If you do not have a Number, you may work in a National Health surgery as an Assistant, which means that you will be working under the Principals number and he will be responsible for your work. Needless to say, many Principals are not prepared to do this. In Community, you work under the Number of the Clinic, however, rates of pay tend to be modest.
Locums tend to work for a daily rate, although if the assignment is a long one it tends to be related to a share of the book. Associates are employed on various basis agreed between the parties.
Contact us for more information.
