
Right to Work in the UK
Before travelling it is most important that you consult your local British High Commission / Embassy / Consulate to enquire about working regulations and whether you may work in the dental field in the UK.
The telephone numbers will appear in your local directory. The regulations can be complicated and you do not want to be stopped at the airport of entry.
To understand the regulations better you may wish to consult www.ind.homeoffice.gov.uk or the British Immigration and Nationality Directorate, Lunar House, 40 Wellesley Road, Croydon. Surrey CR9 2BY.
There are two main map publishers in the U.K. The first is the A-Z Series, visit www.a-zmaps.co.uk.
They are very similar in price and vary mainly in presentation. The A-Z of London is very popular and if you do not have a good knowledge of London the A-Z is essential. These two companies also publish a range of guides and maps of the U. K.
You may also wish to search online for a specific location by trying www.streetmap.co.uk and www.bartholomew.co.uk - 'mapping services'.
The London Underground
The London Underground Tube Map is printed in most atlases and maps. The Tube, Bus, and Train maps can also be obtained free from most stations. Visit www.tfl.gov.uk and www.thetube.com.
Uniforms are reasonably priced in the U. K. and it is best to purchase a local style so that you do not stand out in the Surgery. A local supplier is Alexandra which has shops in most large towns. We always have a limited range of Alexandra uniforms available in our office at a low price, visit www.alexandra.co.uk.
Bank Account
It is essential that you have a Bank or Building Society Account while in the U. K. For some reason local banks sometimes make it difficult to open an account, so it is a good idea to obtain a letter of introduction from your home Bank and the name of its corresponding Bank in the U. K. This will be an enormous help to you on arrival in the U. K.
It is essential that you are in good health as it can be very difficult if you are regularly ill while away from home. It is also essential that you are immunised against Hepatitis B, with an up-to-date certificate to confirm this.
It is of course preferable to have family or friends to stay with when you first arrive in the U. K. Otherwise, there are many budget hotels (multi-bedrooms)and hostels, starting at approximately £10 per night, which may be used until you can obtain more permanent accommodation. The London Tourist Board's web site is excellent, and may help you with your accommodation, visit www.londontown.com.
Motoring and Touring
It is worthwhile accessing the Automobile Association website for excellent help. This is at www.theaa.com